Levaero Logbook – Aviation

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How Drones are Driving Innovation and Disruption in Aviation

Written by Stan Kuliavas As aviation experts, Levaero considers drone technology something the industry still has a lot to learn about, we need to be experts in unmanned aircraft systems. Drones are currently extremely controversial in the aviation community and for valid reasons, notwithstanding a number of safety issues that have arisen. But drones are [...]

How Drones are Driving Innovation and Disruption in Aviation2020-09-22T17:07:20+00:00

How Aviation Makes for a Merry Christmas

Written by Stan Kuliavas Beyond transporting people; Here’s how our holiday staples are supported through flight. The holidays are a time of togetherness; where connectivity is key. This connectivity, though brilliantly maintained through platforms like this, email and social media, reaches its pinnacle through air transportation. Connecting people in a way that was once impossible, [...]

How Aviation Makes for a Merry Christmas2020-09-22T17:08:45+00:00
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